Terms and conditions


Once the payment is completed, we will immediately sent out the "confirmation email". Since email service providers may misjudge our emails as spam, customers are advised to check both their inbox and spam box.

(1) Booking products (In-centre lessons, activities, services,...)

Once the payment is made, a confirmation email will be sent immediately.
A download link or password of the product (meeting ... etc.) may be included within the order confirmation e-mail. Otherwise, it will be sent within the subsequent e-mail.
Basic regulation: cancellations would only be acceptable at least 24 hours before the appointment, no refunds within 24 hours of the appointed time could be made unless the appointee (the lesson tutor for sickness reason ... etc.) cannot attend the appointment. Refunds would be made generally be made via the payer's payment channel. Payers (parents...etc.) should inform us clearly for whom (the student ...etc.) the service (tutorials) is to be provided by replying to the confirmation email. Additional regulations and reservation fees will depend on the descriptions of individual products (services). Refunds will not be made to participants who temporarily decided to join a pre-scheduled product (such as webinars).
Discipline problem: We (Diamond Education Centre) preserve the right to terminate any ongoing appointments (meetings). These include, but not limited to the cases of malpractice of the appointee (tutor), rudeness or unlawful acts by either side of the participants, unprecedent disturbances such as power blackout or internet disconnections. Our modulators may come in to check if the ongoing appointment is held in an orderly and peaceful manner and request individual participants to leave. Refunds of the ongoing appointment will not be made to any sides in the above cases. In case of any dispute, we (Diamond Education Centre) reserve the right of the final decision.

(2) Virtual products (ebooks, documents, videos, software,...)

Once the payment is made, a confirmation email will be sent immediately.
A download link or password of the product may be included within the order confirmation e-mail. Otherwise, it will be within the subsequent e-mail.
If the download link or password is not received within three days, please contact us by email and we will resend it.

(3) Physical products (Printed books, exercises,...)

Once the payment is made, products will be sent within 1-2 business days of order placement. Please keep the invoice number on our confirmation email.
Neither return nor exchange is acceptable unless the item is damaged. We have a 30-day return policy, and customers can request a return within 30 days of receiving the item under reasonable circumstances.
We will only accept returns of products in good and like condition, unworn or unused, with tags attached, and in their original packaging. When returning an item, the customer will need to provide a receipt or proof of purchase.
Any question or return request must be done via email diamondeduhk@gmail.com. Once the return request is accepted, we will send you a shipping label with instructions on how and where to send your package.
We will not accept any product that is sent back to us without a return request being arranged. In case of any dispute, we (Diamond Education Centre) reserves the right of the final decision.
Copyright © 2023 Diamond Education Centre (bchui2020.com , diamond-edu.com)

(1) 預約產品 (面授課堂、活動、服務 …)

基本守則: 只有在預約時間最小24小時前才接受取消。除非受約人(例如:課堂導師)沒有應約,預約時間24小時內不接受退款。 付款人(例如:家長)需回覆確認電郵,清楚說明服務(課堂)對象(例如:學生姓名)。我們將参照客戶的入帳渠道退款。額外退款守則及預約費用視乎個別產品(服務)而定。臨時加入事前應有預約安排的產品(例如:網絡研討會)的參與者我們將不予退款。

(2) 虛擬產品 (電子書、文件、影片、軟件 …)


(3) 實體產品 (實體書藉、練習、文具 …)

客戶完成付款後,產品將在下單後的 1-2 個工作日內發貨。敬請客戶保留我們確認電郵上的發票單號。
任何問題或退貨要求必需先通過電郵 diamondeduhk@gmail.com 聯繫我們。如果您的退貨被接受,我們將向您發送退貨運輸標籤,以及有關如何以及在何處寄送包裹的說明。
版權所有 不得轉載 © 2023 鑽石教室 (bchui2020.com , diamond-edu.com)